An Awesome 3rd person tactical shooter with an awesome campaign and good multiplayer.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 XBOX
A lot of Ghost recon fans cried foul when they found out Ghost recon 2 was 3rd person. But this took a turn for the good.

The single player campaign has you in North Korea trying to stop a Rogue military leader from Causing destruction with a Nuclear bomb and of course the U.S. calls in the Ghost's and its your job to stop the Rogue military leader from starting a all-out war.
There are 15 missions in the game and most of them are pretty tough and long. In the missions you will face almost countless enemies who have Gone along with the North Korean military leader and with him are tanks half-tracks and helicopters. Most of the missions have pretty basic objectives like Rescue a POW or Take out a chopper (which happens a lot in the game) and all of this leads up to the capture of the Rogue military leader (why cant they just give this guy a name?).
The combat is very intense except for the stealth parts of the game which ARE tense and can tend to be very frustrating since it only takes a few shots to die therefor it is realistic (and hard).

The gameplay in the first ghost recon was good this time it is great!
The switch from FPS to 3rd person was a good one and the game actually feels better. The are about 5 or 6 basic commands in the game such as Advance, Hold, or Regroup and it adds to the already tactical feel of the game. There is alos a command where if your cross-hair is over something that can be used or attacked such as a tank you can just press the command button lightly and your squad members will attack or use the item your cross-hair is over.
The game lets you be free during the missions by letting you take whatever path you want in order to get to your objective which is nice and you dont feel forced into playing the game the same way every time and because of this the maps are very wide-open and big.
Most of the missions are in a jungle environment but there are just enough missions set in other environment so the game does not feel like it is repeating itself.
The weapons are the one's you would expect to find in a modern shooter like the M-4 carbine or the SAW light machine gun, but the one of the things I like about the game is before each mission (except a few) you can choose what weapon class you want to be and then a weapon from that class which is cool and once again does not make you feel forced, but there are missions as to which weapon you should use aside from what you want to use.
One of the few disappointing things of the gameplay is that there is no cover system which would be very useful in the game.

The Multiplayer however I do not feel is as good as other people made it out to be but still it is good. The Multiplayer is for up to 4 player on split screen mode and 16 players online but I suggest the online multiplayer since the splitscreen mode is FPS and you can not see your gun and the maps are huge and much to big for just 4 people to be playing on.
There are your normal game modes in multiplayer like deathmatch, team deathmatch, hamburger hill which is just king of the hill, search and rescue which is one team has to defend some POW's and the other team has to try and rescue them and then escort them back to the base.

There is also co-op for splitscreen system link or online which is fun for up to 4 players either way you play the co-op (Splitscreen system link or online) almost all the mission are available for co-op (only 3 are not available). And despite what i said about the splitscreen multiplayer not being fun the splitscreen co-op is even though you still can not see your weapon and it is in FPS mode.

The graphics are just simply Awesome (and almost perfect) much better than the last Ghost recon, the graphics would be perfect if it were not for the death animations when the enemies look like they had just been hit on the back of the head and not been shot by a high caliber weapon. All the textures are nice except for the characters close up when they look kinda creepy.

The sound is good from the in game music which is the type you would expect in a game like this (sorta soft rock Intensifies at some points), adds some tense times during the game. The weapons sound pretty good except some of the guns sound the same. And also the explosions are Awesome.

Overall if you liked the first ghost recon you will probably like this game unless you were expecting a FPS. And With the multiplayer and co-op being available for splitscreen and online this game will last you a long time.

Singleplayer: 9.3/10
Multiplayer: 8.9/10
Co-op: 9.0/10
Gameplay: 9.2/10
tilt: 9.4/10
Graphics: 9.7/10
Sound: 9.1/10
Funnessfactor; 8.9/10
Plot: 8.3/10
Overall 9.3/10 (this is the score I would have given the game if gamespot had not gotten rid of the old rating system so i have to round up the score)