One of the best muiltplayer games on PS2!

User Rating: 7.7 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
TimeSpiltters was one of the first ever PS2 games released, the gameplay is like Goldeneye 007 mixed with some aliens, retro and robots! The single Player mode is very awful... Every Single Player Mission has killing enemies and going to this 1 area and activating a switch and going back to the begining of the level. Its very simple and gets abit old....But with Co-Op to help. It just gives the Single Player more replay value! Plus by beating an level you unlocks some new guys in muiltplayer! Forget the single player. There is also some great muiltplayer! Up to 1-4 Players and Bots! With many modes like team Deathmatch, Capture the bag and ETC. also you can choose what type weapons to choose from! There is also a Map Editor for you FPS Map Makers! But Its not as advance but fun for everyone! Also for thoses who didn't enjoy Single playuer mode and have beaten it thousands of times... There is a fun Challenge Mode for you people! (Challenge Mode can be unlock as you beat levels in single player). In Challenge Mode you may do Fun Challenges like Kill 50 Zombies by shooting there heads in 2 minutes. Overall I think this is one of the best muiltplayer games on PS2! With out the stinky Single Player Mode!