They really screwed up this game.

User Rating: 5.6 | The Outfit X360
The TV advertising commercial really made me pumped about this game, but once you pop it in and get going you find out how good advertising can persuade you into buying poor quality material. The Outfit is an open battlefield type game kind of like Mercenaries, not nearly as good, & adds Co-Op in which really is what led to me picking the game up. Here is what totally shoots this game down, I hook up with a friend and we sit down to play this game. Go through 2 or 3 missions and want to play something else. Well, there isn't anyway possible to save your game. Wow, how in the hell did they miss this. Surely they didn't really intend to force you to play through the entire campaign at once. I didn't believe it at first, got on here and asked and sure enough it was true. Sold it a week later.