Movie Adaptation Game, Fun Extras and Decent Game Play

User Rating: 7.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers PS2
As a Lord of the Rings fan, it isn't always optional, when the movies were coming out, to get these games. The Two Towers and Return of the King both came with interview extras that, at the time, couldn't be seen anywhere else. The game also allows the gamer to 'be' one of the characters as you go through the famous Tolkien story.

The story picks up in the first movie, right as you are getting to the Mines of Moria, I believe. I think the first major boss battle is against the Cave Troll. While the game is true to the story, with added game play here and there, the controls themselves, I found difficult. You can alternate to different characters, but I don't believe you always had a choice as to whom you could pick.

This is a pretty old game, all things considered, but for the first of what is now a good franchise of games, this was a pretty good. I realise there was a Fellowship of the Ring game, but I'm going to ignore it, since it was pretty bad and call mulligan on it for EA.

The thing that stuck out for me most were the environments on this game. While not wholly interactive, the environments were what you would expect them to be. Peter Jackson did an amazing job bringing them to life on the big screen, but EA made them interactive for the gamer and that made it that much more real. Even though these are old, both The Two Towers and Return of the King are must plays for any Lord of the Rings and Tolkien fan!