If you like strategy games then this game is for YOU

User Rating: 10 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II X360
This game is absolutly awesome! You get to control hords of men if you saw it in the movie then they got it in the game! You get to reinact battles such as Helms deep. Which is awesome because, you get to lay seige on the opposition or you can even be in the BASE. I wish you luck on any seige map. Though it is fun the matches may be very long so make sure you got TIME to play and finish the match. No one likes quiters. Back to the game. You get to control six different factions such as the humans,elfs, dwards, Isengard, Mordor and the goblins. They are all fun to play with and all have their different strategy's for each team which makes the game that much more fun. You can go online and test your skills against other opponets or try to beat your friends for bragging rights. This is a total buy if your into the LOTR saga!