Star Wars battlefront meets lord of the rings with the same horrible graphics...

User Rating: 5.5 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
I enjoyed star wars battlefront but THISSS!>!>>!!?!??! i mean cmon.. This game looks like an original xbox game... I have played this game at a friends house... The graphics are not pretty, the story is what u expect, there are too many enemies, the ai is really bad, and the only thing cool is the setting... This is a huge letdown and pandemic has been making alot of games that do not look that great at all graphic wise... If u can find this game cheap and want easy achievement points then buy this otherwise steer clear unless u are an achievement person or a hardcore lotr fan... Some great lotr games are LOTR battle for middle earth 1 and 2 and the two towers, the return of the king and the third age... even the hobbit game was better than this and lotr online... anyway steer cleer