one of the best zelda games ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
This game might be old but the title said it, it is a legend. the game play is cool. The puzzles are excellent.The characters are cool. i think i played and beat this game about 4 times. That is how good it is. The graphics are good for when it was made. I like how you change from young link to older link. The music is fine.the story plot is really good.

The ocarina is a smart idea.Like how you play good sounds. I also like the idea of changing Link's outfits to survive certain environments. The level design is awesome. In one level you go into a whales mouth. Also i think the boss is a heart of the whale( i think). The bosses are very fun to fight. In the first boss you fight you fight someone though pictures by using arrows.

This game is almost perfect,but you walk to slow. Some parts you have to make a long walk on. The items are fun to use. so this game is very,very,very,very good.i really like this game. it should be on the wii shop channel. It is 1,000 wii points. Well that is all for now. Also if i could chose a sore in between i would give ths game a 9.8