A fantastic game with interesting and ambitous gameplay elements.

User Rating: 9.5 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
Story:In a departure from other Zelda stories, Majora's Mask has little to do with Zelda, and nothing to do with Ganon. Link is searching for a lost friend in the Lost Woods (I can't imagine why he would look there :P) and he is mugged by the Skull Kid. After waking up he chases the skull kid through the woods in order to reclaim the ocarina of time and his other items. During his chase the Skull Kid transforms Link into a deku scrub and escapes, accidentally leaving one of his two fairy henchmen/women behind. The fairy befriends Link in order to be reunited with her brother. Upon further chasing Link enters into a world which will be destroyed in 3 days unless Link interferes.

Graphics:The fact that the game was meant to be made for the N64DD is obvious enough graphics-wise as it may be the single best looking game on the N64. Link moves similar to the way he moved in Ocarina, but now moves at more angles, more fluidly and does acrobatics while jumping just to show off the graphics. The other characters move just as fluently and cutscenes change to gameplay rather well. fires glow and hot water steams,water also splashes around link when he moves and swims. When link changes masks his face fluidly transforms in front of you. For the time period (and even early sixth gen) the games graphics are incredibly good. The sound is also much better than in Ocarina with better music and high quality sound.

Gameplay:The game plays exactly the same as ocarina of time, with the A button being used for random things depending on the context (i.e. talking or grabbing things), and the B button being used for your main attack depending on what form you are in. The C buttons are all used as hotkeys for your many items and masks, while the top C button is used for First person mode.. the R button controls the shield and the Z button is used for camera controls and the signature Z-targeting. All other buttons are un-used. As in other Zelda games the controls all feel natural. While the basic controls are fantastic the time mechanic really advances the game ,while sadly bringing it back as well. Link is given 3 days to complete his quest and every day is set into 12 hour night and day cycles with each hour being only a minute in real life. Of course completing a game of this magnitude at that speed would be impossible so the game gives Link the ability to rewind slow down and speed up time. The ocarina of time is the tool that allows link to do this, but first he must retrieve it as it was stolen (read the story section for details). The ocarina also allows link to teleport between owl statues placed around the world and perform story specific actions. On the other end of all this are the masks which can be collected (and should be) throughout the game. Each mask has its own magical function and there are many situations where masks will come in handy. The required masks are the transformation masks, which allow link to turn into a deku, a zora, a goron, or a giant via the specific masks. Other masks are used for side quests and are not required but highly recommended as Collecting all the masks and completing special short dungeons at the end of the game will earn you the ultimate mask but that is a spoiler for those of you who don't know.