Not good for the single player only worth buying for it's multiplayer the European server always has people online.

User Rating: 8 | The Club PS3
The Club developed by Bizarre Creations and Published by Sega has 8 men fighting out in order to be the best in The Club. The game of the Club has you going around prisons, old warehouse, manor house and such which you have to kill people to score points. The idea behind this game I have to say is weird but it's not that bad.

The game has different stages such as Sprint this has you going around the stage where you have to score as much as possible, Siege is the mode i hate your in a area a marked area and if you leave you have about 5 seconds to get back into the marked area or you will die you must stay in the area and kill as many people possible oh but the people are all over around you, Time Attack has you doing laps you have to survive and gain as much points possible, Survivor has you scoring as much as you can within the time limit if not then you fail, the final mode is Run the Gauntlet you have to sprint through the level as fast as possible.

The game is an arcade shooter and if you enjoy those this may be your type of game I found this a decent game but I mostly recommend this for online play which still gets used which I am surprised as it's not really a popular game (online is always busy).

Online is good but can be hard the guns are always in the same place they never change and one thing I hate is spawn killing and trust me it happens quite a bit. If people know the map inside and out and know where the good guns are you really don't stand a chance while fighting unless you get a good shot at the head. Online features 8 modes my favorite has to be Team Fox Hunt what you have to do is look for the fox in the game and kill that person. Free for all death matches in the prison is one of my favorites only thing I hate is people trying to get the sniper riffle or rocket launcher. One thing I will tell you team matches are quite bad take this you spawn then a player from the team is waiting for you to come back it gets annoying and it happens all the time you spawn in the same place in team battles. The prison is the most popular map that people chose it's actually good one though I quite like the bunker map. The maps are quite big the only map I hate most in the warzone can be easy to get lost around it.

Getting online is easy hardly any wait times just enter a match and your straight in the match which you can join a match that is already going which is good as it is fast. I have actually read others have problems with online saying it's not busy The Club is region blocked if your in Europe it's actually quite busy as many people still day the same people play it daily. Beware The Club online can be frustrating.

The soundtrack is something I really did like about the game and personally it suits the game very well and I think the great Richard Jacques did a good job with it. Jesper Kyd known for his music on the Hitman series and music on Assassin's Creed did the great music that is the main theme song which can be herd on loading screens and on the main menu.

This is a decent game I got it pre-owned for £8 and it's quite good I like the theme music and the characters I found were great I did like Kuro, Seager and Nemo. Overall the graphics are not fantastic a bit PS2 style then PS3 however this game is quite fun if you see it cheap I recommend it. Bizarre Creations are on to something good with this game and if they improve on it and make a sequel I think it could be even better for one thing as I said the characters are great.

The Club may not be the best title out on PS3 but I have played worse and I wouldn't say it's the worst PS3 game currently out however for £8 it's worth it I have had a lot of fun out of it.

That's all I can really say as it really has a plot to sum up this it is a crazy game.

Good: The Music is great from the theme song to the in game music I like it all, The characters are good, Online is quite fun and also has a a lot of good maps, controls work well I found them easy to get used to.

Bad: Spawn Kills happen to often, no records for online multiplayer, Graphics are not up to PS3 standards.

I recommend buying this game mostly for it's online play but I know people won't agree with me as most just haven't been online with The Club.