The journey is worth taking

User Rating: 8 | The Banner Saga PC

The Gods are dead,alliances are shaking between the races of men and gaints,a full scale invasion from a long forgotten enemy has began and the world is about to end. You are playing as a few characters across the game but mainly the game focuses on Rook who is also Alette's father and the leader of his clan.

There are many interesting things about this game such as the playing of different characters throughout the game even for a limited time. You make decisions with all of them which have some impacts and at some points(including the finale) in the game all these characters are together in the last battle which will decide the fate of the world. Hey no pressure!! Speaking of decisions,there are many points where you will have to decide what to do and what option you will take. Every option can lead you to different end where you can loose supplies,gain new character,,lose dear friend and etc. One of the first thing you will notice is that you are traveling with other people(humans and varls,which is a name for a giant) to reach a certain destination. While you travel you have a stockpile of supplies which will last for a number of days,and with each day passing it will be depleting to a point of starvation. The currency is called renew which is earned by certain decision you take or via fighting with the different enemies and can be spent to buy supplies or upgrade your heroes.

The art is nice and the music is great and really epic which gives the feel of the cold Scandinavian theme in the game to come to life. However thread carefully how you play the game,one wrong decision can destroy you;maybe now or maybe later. This is maybe the only negative side for me. The game is VERY unforgiving. The final boss battle is quite a challenge even on normal mode/difficulty and even for easy if you have made crucial mistakes. Also pay attention in the battles,they are a tactical battles with turns. Analyse the map,your heroes,the enemy units and take some time before you rush and make a move for which you will lose the fight.

As I said before this is a great saga and great and very very long journey where every man and woman look out only for themselves and won't have a second thought about killing you and then robbing you. And then kill you again :P You too must make decisions which will be in your and your people benefit although sometimes it will be devastating to the other party. So at the end play this game as you wish,make the decisions which you think are right to do for the given situation and of course have an epic journey!