It is really hard for me to figure out what was so "amazing" about this game's version of Spider Man...

User Rating: 5 | The Amazing Spider-Man 3DS
The 3DS version of the Amazing Spider Man continues from where the official movie left off in a story mode filled with voiced cut scenes. See the top 5 best and worst things about the game and decide for yourself whether you think this game deserves your purchase.

The 5 Best Things about The Amazing Spider Man (for Nintendo 3DS):
1. Story cut scenes are fully voiced. In other words, when the characters communicate to each other, there is an actor reading the lines and bringing the story to life. This is nice - especially since the majority of handheld video games are usually lazy and only have text messages when characters exchange words.

2. The story mode is tied directly to the movie. This is interesting, since it provides additional story to the official movie's story, instead of making up a nonsensical and insignificant fanfiction. If you've watched the new "The Amazing Spider Man" movie, and want an extension of the story, then this game can provide that.

3. The beginning of the story is exciting and cinematic. (Don't worry - no spoilers.) Let's just say that the beginning of the game provides a hefty 10 minute cut scene laying the context of the game's story before having you participate in it.

4. N/A
5. N/A

The 5 Worst Things about The Amazing Spider Man (for Nintendo 3DS):
1. No free-roaming mode. This has been a staple feature for many good Spider Man games, where you can play as Spider Man in an unrestricted city. Normally, in these free-roaming modes, you can web swing, fight, sight-see, and do whatever you want. In this 3DS version, this feature is completely ABSENT. Already, this limits the replay value of this game and, consequentially, its overall success. Now, some people would argue that the 3DS handheld console can't support a free-roaming mode because of its limited graphics. However, the 3DS has excellent graphics, even matching TV console systems for certain 3DS games, so there was really no good excuse for this game not to have a free-roaming mode. Pretty lackluster.

2. Overpowered enemies who don't deserve that much power. For instance, regular prisoners and thugs, armed only with little knives, can kill you, the "Amazing" Spider Man, in only 3-5 hits. This seems terribly unfair. After all, aren't you the "Amazing" Spider Man? The superhuman, super powerful cross-species? According to the game's thugs and prisoners, apparently not.

3. Spider Man's web abilities aren't very impressive or strong. More specifically, shooting web at enemies will deal absolutely no damage to them. In addition, Spider Man will need to shoot an enemy for quite a while before he is wrapped up. One web shot will basically do no harm or hindrance to any enemy, including the ordinary thugs. I personally was very disheartened by the overall weakness of Spider Man's web abilities. They aren't super powerful. They aren't even that powerful at all. Again, THIS is the "AMAZING" Spider Man? Seriously, can the game publishers please explain to me what's so "amazing" about their version of Spider Man?

4. Combat sound effects aren't "squishy" or addictive. I personally didn't think punches and kicks made a satisfying "squishy" sound, which is (truthfully, but secretly) a key part of any combat game. You need to feel powerful. And you do this by having satisfying and squishy sound effects. In this game, when you punch or kick an enemy, there is only a faint tapping sound. Furthermore, Spider Man's combat moves are pretty stylish: back flips, splits, acrobatics, etc. However, they seem to be more stylish than practical and I remember many frustrating moments I had when I watched as Spider Man was flipping all around the enemies and getting smacked in the process. The Spider Man in this game sure seems conceited, but not really that talented. Again, what's so "amazing" about him?

5.Spider Man web swings from the sky....In other words, when Spider Man travels around on his web ropes, he shoots them into the open, blue sky. I know this because, during the "big" boss fights, Spider Man web swings high above the small apartment buildings and seems to web swing nothing. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't happen that often. However, it does, and I can't help but laugh at it. Maybe Spider Man attaches his web ropes to the clouds. Or maybe he snatches hold of a passing bird every time he randomly throws a web rope towards the sky....