Tekken 3 goes no holds barred on the PS.

User Rating: 7.6 | Tekken 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
There's alotta things to say about this game. Tekken's pretty good but when #3 was coming out, I didn't know it would be that. The levels fit in good with the characters' profiles. Bringing new characters like Jin, Hwoarang, Eddy and more makes the game look and feel top notch. Back then the graphics were quite good because it was what we expected outta the PS, not knowing what graphics come for the Tekken series when on PS2. The storyline was quite different. Namco got outta the storyline of the whole tournament centering around Heihachi, now it's centering around Ogre. I wish I could say more but I'll let the other Tekken series speak on my behalf.