OMG. I love all Tales games. This one most of all.

User Rating: 10 | Tales of the Abyss PS2
An awesome game, worth playing. Even now, I'd play it again. I just love the story, the character development, the gameplay, the EVERYTHING. It makes me wanna hug the case to death.

Well, I should probably say why I love this game, even over my review of SSBB. Well you see, this was my first Tales. game. The very first one. First time I put the disc in, I wasn't done playing till 5 in the morning. That is, I got it 8 months ago. Yeh, I wanted to play it THAT bad. I finished it in a week of my time, not doing my homework, not studying for my test, no nothing. Just eat, drink, sleep, play, and of course breathing. Those were my five functions, all week. Heck, that was just how damn good it was. Not to mention, I played it all the way through TWICE. Once on normal, once on hard...or was it very-hard? idk...

The character designs were flawless. I loved how they developed Jade and Guy. Jade, the "honest" man, Guy, the Ladies Man? (sarcasm intended)

Not to mention, gameplay was just overbearing. Like FF games, it enters battles in the same type of way, but what you do in those battles is dramatically changed. You can move around in a very big area, attack from any direction, do magical attacks called Artes or Fonics, and more which I can't remember well.

This is a game that I can't say has any flaws. 10 outta 10.