This game is super fun, you got to check it out.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Ninja Boy SNES
Super Ninja Boy.

You pick between one of two different ninja boys named Jack or Ryu. They look basically the same just different colours, you can play together during a fight that consists of pretty simple attack and great co-op.

The fighting system in this game is set up in two different categories. The first is action fighting, sort of like Little Fighter. This is used for more normal fights and consists of alot of fun times of beating the crap out of a number of enemys throwing them and punching them .The turn-based Final Fantasy style fight is used during boss fights.Another gameplay addition is a more puzzlish. You have to side scroll view as in the fighting scroll, but you must move around and avoid traps.

The story in this game is simple, it starts out with a world-wide peace mission and the story insues from there. Throughout the game you have to just listen to your characters until you will definitely understand what is going on.

The music can sometimes just be there to fill the silence and sometimes it goes crazy and sets the mood, very good music pieces and sound effects during the game.

Super Ninja Boy, Each ninja is equipt with so many moves and upgrades in weapons and armor can be purchased. There are also many vehicles which can be used around the map for fun or extra transportation and some of these can play an important role into the game.

Overall, good game really played alot into my good gaming years. A must play and buy, have fun playing it with a friend.