User Rating: 1 | Super Ninja Boy SNES
Ninja Boys is the worst game of all time. Nothing more needs to be said. It is a combination of aimless wandering of a pathetic wanna be and the occcasional lackluster fighting experience with equally disgusting enemies. There is no plot, no substance, and absolutely no reason for playing this game for any length of time. The difficulty I classified as hard because one has to fight off the sleep and the boredom whilst playing the game and eternally waiting for some sequence of tangible excitement which never comes. Skill? There is no skill involved as moving and fighting invlolve the d-pad and two buttons total. WOW! Personally , I didn't even want the game. I had rented it from blockbuster back in the day and attempted to promptly return it. However, by some merciless twist of fate Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures was put in the box by mistake. Imagine my horror when the realization set in. Needless to say, I nearly took drastic actions. To this day I keep Ninja Boys in my collection as a reminder of just how bad games can get. It serves as my perseverence and fuels my current game buying as nothing, and I mean nothing, can surpass it as worse. that's all I have to say about that.

Last Words: THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!