Super Ninja Boy is one of those few older games that's still a blast to play.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Ninja Boy SNES
Super Ninja Boy was one of the first games that I've played when I was younger that really captivated me. It is one of those games which creates a lasting impact on you and creates an unforgettable experience. Basically, you are one of two different 'ninja boys' named Jack or Ryu. Each boy is fairly similar, with only clothes differing in color. Because there are two different characters, this allows a multi-player mode to be set. Two-player modes on this game are really well done and offer a great cooperative time. The battle system in this game is set up in two different categories. The first is action roleplay while the latter is turn-based roleplay. The action rp is generally used for all common, weak enemies and just allows you to have a fun time beating the heck out of various different enemies. The turn-based rp makes an appearance in boss fights and, paired with amazing music, creates a great sense of determination that ties in with storyline. Another gameplay addition is a puzzle-like level. You get the side-scrolling 2D view as in the action rp battles, but the level is built in such a way where you just have to navigate your way through while avoiding difficult traps. The story in this game is basic, yet it works. For the most part, you have to imply more on what characters say to you, but you will definitely understand what is going on. The music isn't necessarily too great at some points, but at others, it works wonders. Super Ninja Boy isn't necessarily hard, and isn't necessarily easy (however, there is one really expensive move which basically allows you to kill anything in one hit). Each ninja is befitted with an arsenal of moves and upgrades in weapons and armor can be purchased. There are also many vehicles which can be used around the map for fun or extra transportation, and some of these yet again tie in with the storyline. Overall, this game is a great old-school roleplaying game. If you are in to action/turn-based rpg's, then you should at least try this game out.