Wait For a Price Drop

User Rating: 8.1 | Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz WII
This game is simple to explain: You'll either hate it or love it. The single player game is the basic super monkey ball story: you need to collect bananas. In this story mode, you go through 8 worlds twisting and tilting the wii-mote to the goal. The handling for the single player game is very hard to adapt to, but once you do, its not all impressive. The really worth of the game lies in the multi-player. This is easily a great party game and recommended to those with 2 sets of wii-motes AND nun-chucks. Needless to say, 50 mini-games are always great for a party. Even though there are some obvious misses with some mini-games, most are great. But to buy a 50$ game for offline-only multi-player is a bit of a waste. Its definitely worth a play, but to wait for a price drop would be most logical.