Sticking with the classics.

User Rating: 8.8 | Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4 SNES
I dont care how advanced we get with technology 2D graphics will never die. I will always stick with the classics. I believe around 2008 (if not sooner) 2D will make a comeback. I love this game. I remember playing it when it first came out. I'm surprised that I even kept it! I was floating around in my basement AND it still works!! Great game. I love Yoshi. I think that's the reason why I brought it in the first place. I've always had a hard time swimming. Damn blowfish! I never did like the flying. Could never get it down. Well I can now since I'm better in my gaming. Overall if you don't have this game you should buy it. Good luck trying to find it though. I don't even know if they still sell it in stores.