This is the real SMB 2, only released in Japan. It's the original Super Mario Bros., but a million times harder!

User Rating: 7 | Super Mario Bros. 2 FDS
After our version of Super Mario Bros. 2 was released in the U.S., it changed the way people saw Mario. But it was never the real Mario 2 to begin with. The real SMB 2 was only released in Japan. They thought us stupid Americans could never beat this game because it was so challenging. And it's now downloadable on the Wii Shop Channel. The only place the US saw this game was in "Super Mario All-Stars" for SNES.

After downloading this game, I thought there was an error, because this game was so frustrating and unbeatable. But the controls are still the same like any other Mario game on the NES, and they feel great. This version has slightly better graphics than the original SMB. This has more enemies, a lot more challenges, and another type of mushroom. The poison mushroom looks basically like the regular mushroom, but just with some color change. Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan is by far, the most difficult game I've played so far.

This game is very frustrating and challenging, but still is a very well-designed game. I recommend it to any fan of Mario who's up to a big challenge. Go and get this game off of Wii Shop.