You will have plenty of fun with this game:as long as your insane.

User Rating: 8 | Super Mario Bros. 2 FDS
A tip:Wear the wrist strap while playing.The game has no motion controls,but,you will see what i mean.You will.

The lost levels is one of the most hardcore games out there.There are mushrooms that power you down.People say there are backward warpzones,but i can't say,mainly because i can't get past the second level.The level design is as cruel is to get e.t out of pits,but that's for another review.When ever i become fustrated in a game,i always say:this level would of made the last level in,i don't know,the lost levels?!?!?!?!

That's how cruel this game is.The games metal slug(that took me 81 continues to beat),super star soldier,(got a review for that)and a lot more hardcore games don't match up for this game.

So,if hardcore stuff is your thing,download this now.But if your casual...Nah.