Allstars and World crammed into one cartridge?

User Rating: 9.7 | Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World SNES
Allstars and World crammed into one cartridge? SWEET! I have Allstars aswell as a copy of Allstars and World, this is a fantastic game worth buying if you can get a copy of it and are interested in the older games... like me (although newer games appeal to me more, im not like those hard headed old school only gamers). Its basically the same as the original games with no changes made, so if you already have a few of the original games it would pay just to buy them all seperately, unless ofcourse you have few in which case get SMWAS (lol, its not a good abbreviation!) instead! Oh, and bonjour for I must finish eating my chowder!

Allstars adan teh mikrosoftwOrd carmmed in2 teh game? SUWEGGGGKGJFDSKLHGLFDHJLKFDJL:KDFJHLK:! I have to go inst3ad! Oh, and bonjour for I must finish eating my chow... chow.... pie!