Re-Review: Whether you like it or not, this started a new revolution in games of it's kind. It's a timeless classic.

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario 64 N64
Mario. Everyone knows this Iconic plumber. He has defined what a Video Game character should be. Nintendo has never looked back ever since he was created to be their mascot. Now, with hundreds of different or related Mario games having been released, he is easily, one of the most Iconic video game characters of all time.

Super Mario 64, was Mario's debut on Nintendo's Brand new Nintendo 64 at the time. It was a huge glimp of being able to see Mario in proper 3-D for the first time, and to show off the 64's 64-bit power and capabilities. Nintendo spent their time appropiately, and delivered an instant classic that fires on all cylinders.

The gameplay is solid, and is typical for a Mario game: Save the Princess after she has been Kidnapped by the evil King Koopa, (or Bowser as he is also known.) collect stars hidden around levels, and defeat Bowser to win the game, and a kiss from the Princess herself. The gameplay is addicting from the get go, and with many secrets, unlockables, and over 100 stars to collect, the game doesn't get old anytime soon.

The graphics, while not as great as they are compared to now, works absolutely great for a game from 1996. It's beautiful in it's own ways, the level design, the characters, and especially Mario's face when you start up the game.

The music is brilliant, and absolutely great bits of tunes that is not licensed. If only most games were still like that..

Overall, to put it in short form: Super Mario 64 put Mario into a Legend, and fulfilled what many had hoped for, in a brilliant adventure platformer that very few games have been able to match.

10 out of 10.