I will start off by saying this is one of the greatest RPG games I have ever played or will ever play for that matter.

User Rating: 8.6 | Summoner PC
This has a very brilliant story line, I can\'t find a flaw in it at all. The story is about a young male farmer Joseph that has the ability to summon creatures of great destruction with rings of summoning powers, but when he was a young child he summoned an entity of great strength and power that destroyed he hometown, Ciran. He was looked upon as an outcast and was exiled from his village. A man named Yago offered to help Joseph tame his power, but Joseph threw the summoning ring down a well and told Yago to leave him be and said he would never use his powers again. That is where the game takes off.

The graphics are pretty good, the characters and surroundings look very realistic, very well done. The sound however sometimes crackles a bit, but usually it\'s not all that bad. The character voices are very good, sound of attacking, music, it all sounds very good and well done. It\'s just the sometimes having crackles that doesn\'t get it a ten.

Overall it gets a ten out of ten. I guarantee this will be put on your top ten list if you play this game beginning to end. Everything about this game is brilliant. I would buy this game instead of renting it. The game is so magnificently done. You will not want to put down the controller until you beat this well laid out RPG. So do to almost not a thing being wrong with this game I give it a solid ten out of ten.