A zombie salesman! what next!

User Rating: 8.7 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse XBOX
Stubbs is an unstopable zombie with a fully removable body (for example you can take off his arm and thrown it at people to posses them, throw your liver and make it explode and bowl your head at the enemy) the blood and gore make this game even better as i think blood is always good. the scenery in stubbs is also very good and the graphics are very superb, the bad points are that the game is a bit short but then again alot of games these days are. sometimes things dont work like trying to whistle your zombies to you, and also it is slightly frustrating how when you DO whistle your zombies they only come to the point you whistled from and dont keep following you so you have alot of whistling if you want a zombie army to take down the next batch of enemies. anyway i thought this game was good, some of the levels are good enough to play multiple times (the farm level where zombies burts through the walls and windows, very cool) and i think if your a fan of comedy and gore you should get this