Can never have enough brains.

User Rating: 8.9 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse XBOX
First thing "Built with the Halo engine",I do not see where this Halo engine comes from. It just looks like a normal Xbox game. You play as Stubbs, a zombie out for revenge on the person who murdered him. Who and why would someone do such a thing? You must kill lots of people to find out. For the most part Stubbs is a very fun game to play, how can it not be fun? People run and scream in fear of you as you rip and pull arms and legs off, or just eat their brains and make them part of your zombie army.

Later you will find out more of what's really going on. The plot to say the lest is not good, I can't even call it a plot. That's ok what kept me playing was the dark humor, that is where the game shines shines . You get lots of funny quotes like "My *****, I mean my arm!","Ooooh that's not good", "I'll never get into college!". There are lots more, but I don't want to give away the best ones. Stubbs just doesn't eat brains, a zombie can do much more. He can pull his own arm off and take possession of other people (with weapons) to help you out. There is a fart move that is like a poison gas and a gut grenade which you get more of by eat brains. Stubbs can even pull off his head and rolls it like a head grenade. The only thing that is missing from the game is music, there is none except for the intro, a music dance off and from a jukebox in one of the later stages. There is a soundtrack you can buy but I wish more of it could of been heard in the game.

The game is short, but once you finish you can go back and try to find all the commentaries hidden in all the stages. If you like zombies, lots of gore and dark humor. Stubbs the zombie is the game for you. I paid full price for this game but you can find it for $19 or cheaper, so if you see it, pick it up.