Fun and addictive, though the ending could use some work. Serious work.

User Rating: 8.3 | Strider NES
This is an example of Capcom at it's finest with respect to the NES. Strider is an innovative game that adds platforming and action into a seemless blend. For an 8-bit game, the graphics were incredible. The story line is somewhat convoluted, and a bit strange, but it works. This is a game franchise that definitely needs to be brought back. Hiryu is one of those heroes that is silent and deadly. Mystery makes a good hero. The game takes place all over the known world. Egypt, Kahzahkistan, South America, Africa. Gamers will have to destroy a drug syndicate called "Zane." Using zip tubes situated all over the world, Hiryu is able to find and destroy the Main Tree Yuedestrial (if memory serves me, which is usually does--but in this case, not so sure). The ending needs work, real let down after all that work that went into the game. The opening cinematic is awsome. However the two supporting characters in the game weren't fleshed out. What would've worked was more involvement from them.

The sequel is OK, but it doesn't touch the original. If you can still find this classic game and you still have a functional NES system, then you owe it to yourself to get this game.