Its Strider in every sense of the word

User Rating: 8.5 | Strider NES
Capcom and manga studio Moto kikaku created the most baddass character in videogame history...of course im talking about Strider Hiryu, well this game is based on the original manga where hiryu is summoned from his retirement by the striders vice-commander Matic he tells you that Kain was abducted by the enemy and you must kill him....that sound weird isnt? well Hiryu decides to rescue his friend without knowing that a great battle is about to begin.

you travel almost all around the world, from kazakh to china,egypt,australia, LA, and africa, you are transported on this locations by the flying base of the Striders..Blue Dragon, in addition to that in every stage you adquire some powers like a fire shot, healing, magnet boots a upgrade of the Cypher etc.

this game is a mix between action, platform and rpg so is unique in every sense of the word trust me you would never find a game like this ever.

Thanks to capcom for send this jewel to the American market and not let itbe cancelled like the japanese version...yes you read it well, the american version its the only in existence.