Spot on Multiplayer, SP content not there yet.

User Rating: 8 | Street Fighter V PC

Despite a slightly rocky first day or two (honestly, it still surprises me that people get angry when the servers struggle on day 1) the dust is beginning to settle and SF: V is a pitch perfect move forward for competitive street fighter.

Now, that said, I can sympethise with people that are unhappy with the lack of single player content. This is something I hadn't considered until people starting complaining about it, if you are the type of person (like I used to be) that grabs a fighting game, completes it with every character and then, after that, is pretty much done, I can totally understand that SF:V doesn't stand up. When I came to SF4, that was my game plan, and I'd have been pretty annoyed if it didn't have any SP content. That said, SF4 came out 8 years ago and we have moved into a much more MP focused, MP savvy time in gaming, this focus on MP isn't strange or uncommon. Competitive games now often contain no SP content at all.

I'm afraid I can only review SF: V from the perspective of someone that has enjoyed playing fighting games online and has largely ignored the SP content for the last 7 years of my time with them:

Capcom has designed the game with new players in mind and has removed a lot of the arcane weirdness such as plinking and option selects which made the learning curve of SF4 (and the majority of other fighting titles) so dense. They've also largely done away with 1 frame links (timings that required precision to 1/60th of a second. If you planning on getting into SF either locally with a friend or in online battles then SF: V delivers that extremely well.

The net code seems very stable and given that the service is experiencing the highest volume of users it is ever likely to, I have only had one laggy match (although that match was unplayable).

The cast is varied, there is someone for everyone and the Capcom have, as far as I can see, succeeded in avoiding cloned characters, even Ryu and Ken are very different beasts.

The game is beautiful and runs smoothly on my (admittedly medium-high end) machine.

If you are looking for a competitive fighting game experience, this is the best one I've come across and, while there will still be a steep learning curve, it is, to my mind, the most accessible experience of its kind.

If you are looking for an SP experience, wait until that stuff drops in March as it is difficult to justify to you purchasing now.