hard-cop bad cop--out of my way cop,,john woo,,ehh this chinsese dude rocks,though the game doesnt quite deliever but..

User Rating: 7 | Stranglehold (Collector's Edition) PS3
not as much has the chinese dude or john woo,,

anyway,,i liked the game and enjoyed the game,,it was pretty intense at moments,,almost u couldnt or cant pause urself to take a break fro mthe action,,cuz the doodes just kept comming much like max payne 3,,only here worse,,aka no-break at all;p,,

this game is best played on nvidia uhm i mean on a rainy night or day or even afternoon;),,,


what i did like ;

some nice locals,,pretty good,,nice graphics for the most part,,dialog,,effects such as rain,,lightign effect,,the engine crucnhy;),,akward moments,,the looks of the chinese ppl and how the where diff,,interesting stort,,the missions and some stealth moments,,and it plays like a max payne game,,and that it is china,,falling envimroemnt,,this can fall,,u can shoot stuf,,much like the sourc engine really;p,,cutscenes almost better than the game itself;p,,Multiplayer ++
most dicciult aspects of this game are the stealth missions and or puzzles,,which also seems t obe the strongest part,,cuz it takes some times to runf fro mA _ B solving puzzles in huge levels,,and shooting way too many dudes at the same time reach the end of the level,,all at once,,this could be a negative thing,but basecally its that what keeps the game not falling too short and the multiplayer,,these two things combined and the locals;));p;p;)

what i did not like,,; too repative and straightforward,,a little linear,,bad extras and the movies,,basecally all extras or unlocks are worth nothing,,art unlockables are just nothing,sketches but bad ones;p,,,sometimes bad camera,,sometimes the shooting just feels wrongs,,like it almost doesnt react ot the graphics or are above it,,pretty easy game if u play it right,,too many persons too shoot,,almost a overflow,,so many guys simply do ont excist at once,,tricky camera,,some glitches soemtimes ,,a few bugs,,weapons could have played off in a better way,,bosses way over the top difficult compared to the regular chines edudes u shoot;psome of the characters or enemies feels laughable too cartoonish and or funny,,some of them;p;),,

all in all,,can be and excisting game ,,stil lis but not too much;p;)) or get ur hopes too much up;p anyway hf;),, i did but not too much;)