It may lack depth, and story, however it does a great job addicting you to its gameplay.

User Rating: 7.6 | Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter PC
What you could call a “sequel” to the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter is an almost pure skirmish/multiplayer game. With virtually no story what-so-ever, the game leaves you wanting more, however it does have some redeeming features. Most notably, the pure addictiveness of the game play. No matter how flawed a product X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter is, you can’t help to drawn back to it again and again to destroy another Star Destroyer or Mon Calamari Cruiser (ya, I’m a Star Wars geek…can you tell?). The game play mostly consists of you attacking an armada of ships, or protecting your own, and allows you to play as anything from a B-Wing to a Tie Defender. Not necessarily a must buy now, as there are many better alternatives (X-Wing Alliance, Free Space 2), X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter can still hold its own for any space combat fan.