
User Rating: 4 | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC

Once again Respawn has developed a worthless piece of garbage. As is typical of their games, there are countless instances where you'll die repeatedly as you're forced to experiment with your life to find your way through an obstacle. It's a common cheap developer trick to extend playtime without actually creating any content. If this game were 20 hours long, you should plan on spending 10 of it doing the same crap over and over.

News flash to Respawn: Nobody buys a Star Wars game so they can spend an hour pushing balls around trying to land them in holes in the ground. I'd expect that from some indy, low-budget game but when you spend 3 years and $100 million developing puzzles that feel like they belong in a Tomb Raider from the 90s for your Star Wars game, you have to wonder if they actually understand why people like Star Wars in the first place.