oh the shame. Such a great movie yet a disapointing game.

User Rating: 5.9 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
it brings a tear to the eye to see such a great event turned in to a tradegy of a game. star wars episode III the game ruins the whole movie, not just how it ends, its just embrassing to compare it the film. atleast the game is pretty cheap though. lets go over the whole game. Gameplay - the gamplay is alright, though it could been longer. the bad things about it is the camera veiw. personally I didnt like the camera veiw because you cant rotate it and Im more of 3rd person over the shoulder kind of guy. another thing I didnt like was most droids dont die with one swing of the lightsaber, it would be more realistic if they did die with one hit. And another thing was there is too less of droids to battle. they come in waves of 3 or 6. what I want is a whole aarny of 50 or 60 droids to come too at you all at once. also the voice acting isnt great. I think it would give you a real star wars universe experincethat way. also the mutli player missions wasnt that great. what I did like about the game was the 1 on 1 saber fighting with cpu or a friend.

Graphics - the graphics weren't that bad but they could of been better.

sound - you got love the sound of lightsabers constantly being swung around.

value - bad. doesnt desrve its price for ruining a movie with this game