It is a good star wars game but it is too short to really be "all that".

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith XBOX
The good: Quite a few unlockables - the gameplay is fun - co-op and multiplayer.

The bad: too short - too easy (make that way too easy) - there are some characters i would have liked to play as in the single player.

This game was no doubt over shadowed by the release of star wars battlefront II released around the same time.
But even still that does not justify the downfalls of this game
The story in the campaing is the same as the movie.
So therefore i will not ruin the plot for in case you have neither seen the movie or played the game.
But i will say that i involves of someone importent being killed in the end.

In each of the games 17 or 18 misions (I can never remember), you will play as one of the star wars characters. But you will mainly play as Obi-wan or anakin skywalker.And whoever you are playing as the other will be "fighting" along side you.
At the end of each mission you are rated on your performance and if you did good enough you can use points earned to "rank up" the character you were playing as. The amount of points you get is based on how many enemies you killed and what type of the kill they were (good, fair, impressive, etc).
You have a meter that determines whether what kind of kill it was.
By killing enemies with out getting hit by and enemy will couse your meter to go up. But if you do get hit the meter will go down some.
The max kill you can get is masterful and the default is fair.
AThe combat system is pretty good even if it is repetitive since you will probably just be pressing X, Y and B since those control the main moves.
But if you wanted to you could try and learn some of the harder moves, by pressing certain buttons at a certain time you can do combo moves. Although they are kinda hard to learn and actually do not do that much more damage then the regular moves.
Of course since this is a star wars game you can use the force to either pick up enemies and fling them or pick up some explosive barrels and fling them into enemies casuing lots of damage.
Each character has a special force move that can either just stun enemies or use electricity (like count dooku).
The entire campaign may take 4 hours to beat (told you it was easy and short). But there are special missions you can unlock where you can play as darth vader, yoda and some other character you might not get to play as in the regular campaign.
But in order to unlock those missions you have to do good in the campaign.
You can also unlock co-op missions, characters for multiplayer as well as arenas for multiplayer.
Despite there only being 4-5 co-op missions you wil probably want to play them over again just because the missions are even more fun to play with a friend.
The multiplayer has characters like darth vader, general grievous, obiwan, ben kenobi and others. One person mission from the lineup of multiplayer characters i would have liked to have seen is yoda. You can play as him in the special missions but of course he is not in the multiplayer.
The multiplayer is strictly fighting matches like in either mortal kombat or street fighter except you get to use light sabers. The multiplayer is for only two people unless you dont have someone to play against you can always play againt the AI.

The graphics... Well they are not anything special but they are not that bad either there aer some clipping issues but other then some lag and the clipping there is not much wrong with the graphics.

The sound.. This is where the game stands out.. Having an original soundtrack really helps this game out, Along with the great SFX.

So if you can get over how short and easy this games is and if you can get into the gameplay, then you will find some replay value in the co-op and multiplayer.

Single player: 6.5/10
Multiplayer: 8.0/10
Co-op: 8.5/10
graphics: 7.7/10
sound: 8.9/10
gameplay: 9.0/10
tilt: 9.0/10
replay value: 8.6/10
funnessfactor: 8.7/10
Overall score 7.7/10