Star Trek is one of the most revolutionary games in the Star Trek series.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Trek: Legacy X360
Star Trek Legacy is one of the better Star Trek games, if not the best. Its great graphics, and fun and realistic (in Star Trek terms) game play, make it one of the better games to come out in 2006. Of course, it's not Gears of War, or even Saints Row, but it's good by its own standards.

Star Trek Legacy has a Campaign mode, a Skirmish mode, and of course an Online player mode. In Campaign mode you will be taken through the 3 generations, Pre-Federation, Original Series, and Next Generation. There are 5 levels in each of these eras, marking a total of 15 levels. This may not sound like a lot, and it's not, but some of these levels can get difficult. Most of these levels on a Captain difficulty will take anywhere from 10-40 minutes, depending on how good you are with the controls. In Skirmish mode, you go against enemy AI either by yourself or with an allied AI. It's pretty simple, but this can be a lot of fun. This is what makes this game re-playable. The Online mode is good, it's just like Skirmish but you can play with other people and mix it up with Artificial AI. Unfortunately, the problem is finding someone that plays this game online. There are about 10 people that play the game online. Why I like this game so much is simply because of the game play. The battles are immense and fun. They’re just plain fun. Repairing you hull, diverting power from engines to shields, warping out of there when the going gets rough. The game is great for all of this. The amount of detail to the battle system and the ships themselves is incredible. This is what a Star Trek fan will enjoy. Another big thing with Star Trek Legacy was the voices of all of the captains. Unfortunately, they did not succeed in helping the game, but helped make it slightly worse in my eyes. I felt that most of their dialogue was corny and cheesy. When ever the ship was hit I would always hear that loop dialogue, and this made me hate the game. The captains’ speeches in the series were always intriguing, and unique. The dialogue in this felt 1 dimensional and dumb. Over all Star Trek Legacy is a game that all Star Trek fans need to play. It is one of the greater, if not the greatest Star Trek game out there.