The controls MAKE this game great. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.

User Rating: 8.7 | SSX Blur WII
Okay, I've been watching this game for the past couple months like a hawk anticipating it's release. I was all hyped about it and then the bad reviews started rolling in from real reviewers to user reviewers. Sure, there are good reviews too, but I really paid attention to the bad ones because I didn't want to buy this game and regret it. Well, I just got done playing about an hour of this game and holy crap, is it amazing. Everything good you've read about this game is true, so let me just touch on the bad points. There are really only two major bad points, the controls and the ubertricks. So here we go.

1) The Controls
Let me just say this. They are not what you're used to at all. The learning curve is rather steep but once you get the hang of it, wow, do they feel incredible. I would compare it to learning to drive a stick shift car for the first time. It's awkward at first, but once you're used to it, you just can't go back to an automatic, it just gives you more control. I have no idea what game some of these people are playing, but the nunchuck is very precise and very smooth. It responds immediately and perfectly to your input. If your rider does something unexpected, it's because you're simply not doing what you think you're doing, the controller can't read your mind. Again, going back to the car analogy. Some people think they shifted into 2nd, when in fact they shifted into 4th, and then they get mad at the car when it won't respond. I've also seen reviewers complaining that it's hard to go in a straight line with no joystick feedback, I also have no problem with this either. I don't know, but my own body (my wrist in particular) is feedback enough for me. The controls work just fine, they're just new and different, deal with it. :) My own body > analog joystiq.

2)The Ubertricks
The big question here is: Do they work? And the answer is YES, they work great. Again, I have no idea what game some of these people were playing, but I had no trouble with the Ubertricks and getting them to work. The only "problem", and it's not really a problem, is that they're difficult, but that's why they're called ubertricks isn't it. You have to draw the shape quickly to give your rider enough time to execute the move before hitting the ground again. They are hard, that's a fact, but they do work. If you draw the shape correctly then you do the trick, period. I have a feeling some of these reviewers think they're drawing the shape correctly, when in fact they aren't. In other words, the mind doesn't really know what the hands are doing. There is a section in the training that lets you practice drawing the uber shapes and after one or two tries, I was able to do them all successfully time after time after time with no problem. Some are harder than others, but they all work just fine. Also, another thing I realized after failing the ubertricks on the slopes time after time. You have to press the A button, draw the shape, and then RELEASE the A button to do the trick. If you don't let go, you won't do the trick. It took me a few times to figure that out. The Ubertricks are Uberhard, that's how they should be.

Anyway, again, I have no idea what game some of these reviewers are playing but I have zero problem with the controls. They feel amazing. And even though the learning curve is a little steep, it will take anyone with at least half a brain only 20 to 30 minutes before they're carving up the slopes with ease. It will take a while before you're a master at this game, but that's the fun of it. Basically, I agree with all the pros I've seen listed for this game, and none of the cons.

Buy it, you won't regret it.