I'm not going to do a long review, but this game is a bit harder than it looks and can drop 30 minutes of your life.

User Rating: 6 | Splice (2012) PC
Like I said, I'm not going to do a long review. Just going to make a short paragraph or so. This game is not actually one of my favourite games, and I have it on my phone too. Now, this game is an easy time waster if you love puzzles, and it can be very hard. Don't be fooled by the start, and it does have some weird mechanics. I did like the soundtrack on my phone, but didn't get the same effect playing on my phone.

Oh well, it was worth half an hour. I gave it a 6 because of this. That's quite generous for an Indie game from me. Now, don't get me wrong, I love indie games and all, but this one didn't just knock it up for me. I mean, I have no complaints because I got this for 1p in the Android/Mac/Windows/Linux Humble Bundle, and I did get some other good games. I tell you that, this game is totally worth 1p, guys.