Shattered Dimensions shows us Spider-man in a new way. Not the same old open world we've seen 100 times.

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions X360
We've been spoilt with open sandbox Spider-man games so much over the last few years that it's actually a breath of fresh air to see someone do something else with Spider-man than to just throw him in the Streets of New York and you go hunting for missions.

Shattered Dimentions is a beat-em-up, Go from point A to point B game that brings us the best of each of the Spider-man universes.

The story goes that a very powerful tablet has been shattered and it's been scattered around the 4 Spider-man dimensions. You play as the 4 types of Spider-Men to collect these pieces and save the world from Mysterio.

Each Spider-man's dimension feels and looks different and each Spider-man also has a different play mechanic.

Amazing - Spider-man as we know him best. Solve some puzzles, beat up the bad dudes.

Ultimate - Loads of traveling around and beating up of multiple enemies. Cartoony feel I loved.

2099 - Futuristic vertical play, more than horizontal.

Noir - And probably my fave. It's more of a stealth killer than a beat-em-up. Dark and moody.

Each one is different. Each one is cool. I really loved this game. Maybe it's my obsession with Spider-man...I don't know. :)