Unbelievably challenging, you'll usually loose interest in about the first 10-15 minutes because its so dam hard

User Rating: 6.6 | Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage SNES
Spider-man + venom: Max Carnage seemed like a decent game at the start, but within about half an hour it just got tiring, its quite repetitive and hard. There is a nice combination of moves and abilities/techniques that you can use, and the art and animations are quite well done at the time, the sound isn't terrible either, but it isn't really too awesome of a game overall.

all you really do in the game is walk across the ground, beat up a handful of guys, walk around some more(when it tells you to) and beat up some more guys, over and over again until some times you fight a redundantly overpowered boss. The game is fairly easy to control and there pretty much is no glitches, but its probably worth around 5$