This game is not bad it is quite fun, but like the first South Park game, it has lots of bad points to it......

User Rating: 8.7 | South Park Rally PS
I earlier wrote a review for south park (ps1) and i mentioned this game in it so i thought id also do a quick review for this game too.

Its been a while since ive played any south park games, but this one was really enjoyable. The colourful levels are nicely done, there are lots of fun and difficult challenges, and the game itself is very amusing.
Its very hard these days to review such an old game for an old console as we now have games that are much more graphically and technically enhanced, so all i can say to end this quick review is that this is a fun game, miles better than south park although that was also a fun game in my opinion and now it is probably extremely cheap so its worth a buy even if its not great or as good as some other cartoony like games.
