Looking for an alternative to the likes of Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing? You sure won't find it here...

User Rating: 2 | South Park Rally PS
I purchased this title online via eBay as an alternative to one of my favourite racing games of my younger years (Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing) initially I thought I would be purchasing a good spin-off to a simple genre for a video game involving my favourite South Park characters; boy was I wrong when I thought it would be good.

Receive mail. Put disc in PS1. Switch on the console.

What was I thinking!? In the first level alone you are exposed to a shoddy gameplay system riddled with bugs and glitches, making winning the races in South Park Rally near impossible... WHERE DID THAT BUS COME FROM? OH AND A BULLDOZER NOW? You are forever being run over by flimsy vehicles which seem to spawn from nowhere around every corner you may take.

The characters voice overs sound shocking, and are repeated frequently. In addition to a poor overall sound track and a lack of game depth it is highly unlikely this game is going to draw you in, unless of course your sole intention is to vs. friends in multiplayer, but even then you are only both going to be exposed to the glitchy failure that this game is.

Buyer beware!

2 / 10