The graphics are amazing! Finally a Sonic version of New SMB..Oh wait what the ****? What happened to the controls!?

User Rating: 5.5 | Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I PS3
Ok now let me start by saying I highly praise how excellent the art style is. The game looks amazing, a 2d sonic game based on the Sega versions couldn't look any better in HD. Everything from Sonic, to the enemies, and even the backgrounds and environments. SImply said, the graphics are gorgeous and very nice to look at.

Now that we got the good stuff out of the way, lets move on.

They focused so much on graphical improvements, they forgot about improving the gameplay, or hell, in this case keeping them the same. Remember how when you would hold forward, jump, let go the forward arrow, that you would still move forward? Well it doesn't work that way anymore, if you're moving forward, jump, then let go whatever direction you were moving in, you stop dead in your tracks. If you've played Sonic a lot, these controls will screw you up and get you killed all the time.

Now in the end, if the controls were exactly the way they were for the Sega versions, this game would have been phenomenal. Quite short for a $15, but regardless, an excellent Sonic remake. But it seems that Sonic today sucks regardless of 3D or 2D. I truly thought this 2D version would finally be the good Sonic game we've been wanting for years, but apparently they can manage to screw that up as well.

The ONLY reason I liked the game was the presentation and graphics, I loved how HD all the classic artwork and levels looked. But if you can go online and find an HD video of gameplay, then you'll pretty much get the only enjoyment you'd get from the game, in those videos. Final Verdict: Coming from a long time 2D Sega Sonic fan, DON'T GET THIS GAME!