Sonic riders is a flying type racing game will it spped its way to victory or fail a jump?

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic Riders GC
Sonic riders is a last-gen fun game for every is fast pace and awsome but lets see why.

Story-Sonic Riders is a fun classic game that introduces 3 new charecters the bablyon birds which belong to a old tirb/city called babylon there names are jet(Leader), Wave(Tech/nerd type) , and storm (Power type) so the story is the babylon birds find out they need the 7 chaos emeralds to open up the temple and find out about there past eggman tells them this and hopes they can gather them so he can get the treasure inside the temple and sonic team (sonic.tails,knuckles) figures this out so they want to stop the birds its a cycle and story comes together in the end its pretty good.
A-"Sonic BOOM"! 9/10

Gameplay-Fun,fast and enjoyable its hard to hit a wall if u do u are really bad at the game.That keeps the game fast and a mega improved version of sonic racers also your speed increases when you go on wind and powerups are all over the field its fun ,fast paced and in the end enjoyable.
S-"Solid snake owns". 10/10.

Graphics-really animated well but perhaphs to animated? the charecters and areas alll have outlines plus everything looks cartoonish not bad but maby add some realism i know its last gen but still......
C- "You got the game im reviwing". 6.5/10

Voice actors-4kids but actually pretty good some get wired and annoying though.
B-"Sackboy hives you a thumbs up". 8/10
