An interesting blend of varying racing styles with a familiar cast of characters.

User Rating: 7 | Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed X360
Just as with Sonic and Sega All Stars racing, this game is one that never gets old, because it's a different race every time and has great multiplayer. The various race modes are a great way to keep the game interesting and not become too stale. There are 24 tracks, which is a decent amount. And there are several newer players available, which is great addition. The world tour mode is where you unlock these characters and others. This is also where my biggest complaint is. World tour is one of the more difficult areas in the game itself. For an E10+ rated game, I find it odd that they would make it so difficult to unlock characters here, and I can see many disappointed kids playing this once and not wanting to play it again. I myself even find myself walking away from it in great frustration, as much of the time you have to play on A class to have enough stars to unlock new items. I prefer a B class area, slightly more difficult, yet still casual. I feel that A and above should be reserved for those that crave a challenge or are more hardcore. Unfortunately, Sega did not feel this way, as it is forced upon you if you wish to obtain all unlockable players. Another issue is that some characters are CLEARLY outmatched from the go, and will be a challenge to level up unless played on C class, which feels a bit demeaning. I enjoy a challenge, but I don't want to have it thrust upon me because my favorite player is greatly handicapped. Regardless of these issues, the game itself is fun in the other areas, and I still find myself wanting to play it, perhaps with a bit of trepidation when I know I must play in World Tour mode. I would say the game with all areas added to a final score would be just about average, a C+ at best, controls are fine, and content is varying enough, but with the constant frustration I have to lower my opinion to match the overall feel from the game.