Anyone who enjoys tactical and strategic gameplay should get this game.

User Rating: 9.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike PSP
SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Tactical Strike is simply amazing. Almost everything about this game is perfect, while there are a few minor flaws, this game is still the best I have played on the PSP.

First of all, Tactical Strike is different then Fire Team Bravo because instead of controlling one character, you command a four man team that you can split into two separate teams if you wish. The focus here is on the actual planning of what your team should do to get the job done. For example, you can choose to sneak up to enemies and have your Seal knife them silently; which requires patients, or you can order them to run in and get into a fire fight. Either way, you must know where your enemies are, and know how to deal with the situation.

The controls work great for the type of game that it is; you move the reticle with the analog nub, X is to confirm/attack, O is to move, and so on. Also, holding the buttons brings up a menu with more options to choose from. Overall, the controls are great, and make the tactical gameplay more user friendly.

As far as graphics go, it doesn't get much better on the PSP. The environments are well detailed, your soldiers animate well, and the draw distance is great. As far as the maps go, they are huge and full of enemies and tactical opportunities, which is very impressive for a handheld. Also, due to the map size, completing a mission can take more then an hour.

The AI are, for the most part very good; they know when and where to go to cover, they know how to react, and generally do exactly what you order them to. However, not every aspect is great; first of all, sometimes your Seals will take too long to engage the enemy; this gives the enemies the chance to take down one of your Seals. Also, when your Seals enter a building, they will always switch to their secondary; this can be very annoying when you enter a large building and you have your Seal armed with a shotgun as secondary; he will waste every last shell trying to shoot an enemy who is too far away.

As with the previous SOCOM games, you can use CE to buy new guns and equipment, except now there are even more weapons then was in both Fire Team Bravo games combined. Also, you can choose how to level up your team to make them specialized in areas like sniper, heavy weapons, grenades, etc.

SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Tactical Strike is the best PSP game in my opinion, and I think that anyone who enjoys a challenge in strategic, tactical shooters should pick this game up.