User Rating: 4.9 | Sneak King X360
Listen i'm a really good typist I mean i'd have to be cause after I played this game I gouged my own eyes out because I have finnaly seen true awesomeness, it was so glorious that i fell to my knees and wept knowing that i'd never see anything so awesome again I plucked my own eyes out of my head for now they were useless because seeing anything other than this game would be like staring into a void it was the one light in my otherwise bleak stagnant world....I know sarcasm is hard to convey with typing but come on...this game is only good because it's fun to make fun of it's existence...but I bet if you had one fifty years from now you could Ebay it for a lot...or trade it for fuel from a gang of bikers/raiders so you can get your car out of a radscorpion nest...better bring extra ammo though...and stay away from the glowing stuff its bad unless you want to be a night-light.