They just keep screwing you and screwing you.

User Rating: 1 | SimCity PC
What's the most important part of reviewing a game? Well, being able to play it of course! I was so looking forward to reading the reviews from us lowly Mac users on today's release of the Mac version, only to find out on the day of the release, that it will be another 2 mos. plus before available. As I said, "reading the reviews" and not actually being "played" by EA and downloading the broken thing. For shame. Since the PC and MAC versions are backwards compatible online, waiting for the release of this obvious money grab is pointless. Way to go EA for p!ssing off another once loyal fan. Why is so difficult to take an already popular game, (SC4,) and make basic improvements? Why do we have to go in directions we can't live up to? I hardly call it ambitious when the simulation numbers are fudged, public transportation is limited and disasters are free to wreak havoc on hours of careful planning. Lame. Majorly lame. I will sooner pluck my eyeballs out than drop coin on this mess. Get it together EA! Stop jerking your fans around. Where's the accountability? Heads should roll.