Not a simulation, just glitz

User Rating: 3 | SimCity PC
Worst game of the franchise right due to the broken AI/Simulation engine. Just a few of the issues:
- pathfinding
- education is poorly implemented (you do not need different levels, just one)
- You don't need industry or commercial zone
- Freight is completely broken
- population numbers are fake

Nice graphics. All glitz no substance and it does not look like they (EA/Maxis) have any intention of fixing it. They are not really saying anything so it's hard to tell. The fact that they sold 1.1 million is really shocking, just tells you how many superficial players there are. If you have played any of the previous games and play this for than 10 hours, you will be very disappointed.

This game has nothing to do with SimCity, this is SimSocial at best. If they fix some of the most glaring issues, this game could be good but coupled with the huge launch day issues, this is very poor right now.