I sense that a game producer job will open up soon, as this producer failed drastically. Missing the good old SimCity...

User Rating: 1 | SimCity Societies PC
There was a time when SimCity series were the greatest, then came SC4 which was a horrible game (in a good way). I really loved it, but it was extremely addictive. Plus Simtropolis member didn't help the cause. I don't know about this version. Wish I bought something else in this holiday season...

My machine has a difficult time keeping up with the graphics' demands, and the game feels as if it is a bite off of City Life and other similar games. There is nothing intuitive like we are accustomed with the experiences we've had with Maxis' masterpieces. I feel like breaking this version of SimCity and revisiting my old pals: SimTower, SimFarm, SimCity, SC2000, SC3000 and SC4.

One question that lingers in my mind is will Maxis become the second Microprose, which in my book has the best games, but somehow they messed up. Will this mean the end of SimCity series and Maxis?!!!