This is not Simcity. This game is not fun and it is especially NOT addicting like the REAL simcity. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME

User Rating: 2 | SimCity Societies PC
Is it me or is this game not that good. I feel that the games has an almost finished feeling to it. The land editor isn't very good. You can't zoom out and take a look at your entire city. The game isn't really a game about a growing metropolis its placing buildings. I don't know why EA had the team who did "children of the nile" make simcity. They have so many buildings that after the initial "that's kind of cool" feeling, it becomes very annoying trying to find the building you want to place. And another thing that I thought was stupid(at leas t in the was this lousy company who ruined a game I loved did) was the theme city/buildings. Some of the themes are alright; however, who wants a ghost town. They basically turned me away from simcity. I can't wait til a real simcity game is made. (Oh, and there are a lot of bugs. The game crashed quite a bit). The addictiveness of the REAL Simcity is not in this game. I played the game for about 5-10 hours but after that I didn't feel like touching it again. This game has no draw to it. The fun factor just isn't in it. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. I was lucky that I know someone at a gamestore and was able to return it.