It's hit or miss with these kinds of games. This one's a home run.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sacred 2: Fallen Angel X360
I'm not gonna go as far as saying it was a grand slam because there were a few this Ascaron could've touched up in this game, but my god is it ever fantastic. It starts off kind of slow and doesn't really give you much of a tutorial, but you learn it quick enough. The different character classes are phenomenal and the quests are never ending. The world is seem-less and may be the biggest I've ever seen in a video game before. It's a really good game and, if you get into it, it will most likely end up consuming your life. Though the story is poor, and at times it may seem like you've been walking from one spot to another for 15minutes, it is just incredible. A lot of these reviews are giving it a bad name, but if you're a fan of any other RPG classics such as Diablo and World of Warcraft, this is definitely a game you HAVE to check out.